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I have a few videos posted on my website:

sing during labor: a video especially for my pregnant friends

these women show their doctors CPD was a farce 

a homebirth advocacy video 

the joy of natural childbirth, a birth in pictures not a video, but you might like this sequence of birth pictures


1. K - March 31, 2009

I really don’t know how to ask this, but…

Do you know of any videos of PAINFUL births that I can show to my husband, who thinks that “labor probably feels like a beesting” and whose first wife had a 45-minute long labor with no grunting, no moaning, no “it hurts” or any of the typical sensations? He expects the same from me and says things like “what’s the big deal?” when I show him books I’d like him to read as my support person. He isn’t understanding that his role can be to help me manage pain even though we have talked about this over and over in rather blunt and direct fashion. He’s normally supportive but because his first wife had a short, silent, pain-free labor (and she’s normally a big complainer) he thinks this is how it is for everyone and I don’t need much support for my “drive-through” labor. We are not taking hospital-based childbirth classes because I feel they didn’t help at all with my first pregnancy, and they cost money. I don’t know what else to do to show him that pain really is involved and that’s why his support is needed so badly. Explaining isn’t doing anything to change his mind, and all I can find are videos showing how orgasmic birth can be — not helpful to prove my point. Thanks for your thoughts.

There are a lot of videos that show the hard work of labor–with grunting and moaning. You can probably find some on youtube or even in your library. I’m sorry that your husband isn’t being supportive. That’s really tough. I know you said that you didn’t want to spend money but finding a private, independent, non-hospital class could benefit the both of you. (you could learn some pain coping techniques that work and your husband might get a clue.) Alternately or in addition to a class, you could have a friend or sister or doula labor with you who can offer you the support that you need.
~blessings, Guinever

2. rishu - June 25, 2008

Wow! these pieces (the videos and the pictures) were inspiring! I too have also been diagnosed with CPD during my first pregnancy. My best friend who is an OB/GYN also agrees that there seems to be a trend in these diagnoses and really, she believes, unecessarily! She feels that if given a chance, I could have had a natural child birth. Thanks so much for the inspiration! I pray I can have a natural birth the second time around.

3. Gillian - March 13, 2008

Wow! these pieces (the videos and the pictures) were inspiring! I too have also been diagnosed with CPD during my first pregnancy. My best friend who is an OB/GYN also agrees that there seems to be a trend in these diagnoses and really, she believes, unecessarily! She feels that if given a chance, I could have had a natural child birth. Thanks so much for the inspiration! I pray I can have a natural birth the second time around.

Glad you like them, Gillian. Happy birthing. ~blessings, Guinever

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