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surfing for pregnancy posts and finding the 7 best April 13, 2009

Posted by guinever in birth, doula, homebirth, midwifery, pregnancy.

If you want to read one woman’s chronicle of all her birth experiences from hospital to home,   including the heartache of miscarriage, check out relevant living.

That birth, as fast and furious as it was, was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I got to go into labor, labor however I wanted, in whatever position was the most comfortable, and deliver my baby without strangers poking, prodding and forcing or coercing me into taking drugs that weren’t necessary.

Birth talk explains how a woman communicates non-verbally during labor and how you can read her cues and help her through labor.

One mother writes detailed notes about Ina May’s guide to Childbirth which just so happens to be my personal favorite pregnancy book.

Here’s a conversation about inductions among obstetricians as reported by a certified nurse midwife . The OBs  were complaining about possibly working at 2 in the morning.

Not even once did the welfare of the mom and/or baby enter into the discussion.

On a similar vein,  nurses know that some OBs are cesarean happy.

The well-rounded mama is looking to write about fears during pregnancy.

Things like……how will I ever fit behind a steering wheel in my car at 9 months pregnant? Will my car’s seat belt go over my belly?

Kathy posted a video with 4D ultrasound images that show a baby’s growth in the womb.


1. Abbie - April 14, 2009

Wow, I came over from 31DBBB, and I sure wish I had visited your site before I gave birth to my 2. You have so much wonderful information, and the tone of your blog is so inspirational. My first was an induction b/c of a kidney condition they found in-utero…and the second came as a premie due to an abrupted placenta. I was able to breastfeed-both, but after a lot of pain and frustraition. I am certainly going to recommend your site to my friends who are pregnant! Thanks so much.

Thanks, Abbie, so much for your encouraging words. ~blessings, Guinever

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